Biohazard Crime Scene Cleanup


What is Biohazard crime scene cleanup? 

 Biohazard crime scene cleanup companies specialize in removing potentially harmful contaminants, such as blood or other body fluids, and odors from crime scenes. When blood and body fluids get trapped in floors, walls, and even ceilings, these potential bloodborne pathogens can cause people to become sick months (and even years) later. 

Biomart is a biohazard crime scene cleanup company that specializes in trauma cleaning and biohazard removal. Our cleaning process is thorough and effective, ensuring you and your family can return to normal as soon as possible.   


Why is upright biohazard cleanup being mandatory? 

Crime scene cleanup isn’t an easy task, and it’s not for the faint of heart. If it’s done too hastily, without personal protection equipment, someone’s health could be at risk. But if the remnants of the crime are left in place for too long, there’s a greater risk of spreading the contamination or causing more severe damage to the property.  


Avoidance of Obstruction of the Investigation 

 When your home or office building has become a crime site, it can be difficult to know what you should and shouldn’t do. Should you immediately start scrubbing everything to avoid having the bloodstains set in? Should you take personal possessions out of the area that you’ll need until things get back to normal? And if not, when can you re-enter the space? Professional crime scene cleaners have the answers to these important questions. They’ll coordinate with the law enforcement investigators, and won’t get to work until the scene has been released. 


Prevention of Health Problems 

 Crime scene cleanup is inherently dangerous work. Professional cleaners must undergo rigorous training. They learn how to use personal protection equipment properly, and they must follow strict protocols during each job. These precautions are necessary to protect themselves and the people who will be in the area afterward. Crimes can leave behind all sorts of residue, including fingerprint powder, tear gas residue, and bodily fluids like blood and urine. Failing to clean up these substances properly can expose the cleaner to health risks, as well as the people who live or work in the building. 


Mitigation of Structural Damage 

 Proper crime scene cleanup takes place as soon as possible after the police finish their investigation of the scene. If residue and fluids are neglected, the building itself can sustain further damage. Bodily fluids absorb into wood, drywall, and carpeting. If not cleaned up promptly, blood can even absorb into the sub floor, where it can remain hidden, allowing toxic black mold to proliferate. With professional cleaning, these hazards can easily be avoided. 


Why hire Biomart for Biohazard cleanup? 

 Unlike standard house or business cleaning, biohazard cleanup is a service that requires industry expertise, specialized equipment, and appropriate certifications. Improper cleanup can raise health and safety risks, and cause further damage. This is why Biomart has developed a 3-step disinfection process backed by more than 20 years of research and experience. We thoroughly wash and disinfect all potentially harmful biohazards from affected areas to ensure our customers’ property is returned to a safe, livable condition. 


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